Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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Furniture |

Furniture refers to moving objects intended to support various human activities such as seating (eg, chairs, benches, and sofas), eating (tables), and sleeping (eg, beds). Furniture is also used to hold objects at a comfortable height to work (such as horizontal surfaces above the ground, such as tables and tables), or to store items (eg cabinets and racks). Furniture can be a design product and is regarded as a form of decorative art. In addition to the functional role of furniture, it can serve a symbolic or religious purpose. These can be made from many materials, including metal, plastic, and wood. Furniture can be made using a variety of wooden connections that often reflect local culture.

People have used natural objects, such as tree stumps, rocks and moss, as furniture since the beginning of human civilization. Archaeological research shows that from about 30,000 years ago, people began to build and carve their own furniture, using wood, stone, and animal bones. Early furniture of this period is known from works of art such as the Venus statue found in Russia, depicting the goddess on the throne. The first surviving furniture is still in Skara Brae's home in Scotland, and includes cabinets, dressers and beds all built of stone. The complex construction techniques such as joinery started in the early dynasty period of ancient Egypt. This era saw pieces of wood built, including benches and tables, sometimes decorated with precious metals or ivory. The evolution of furniture design continues in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, with a common throne and clinic, a versatile couch used for relaxing, eating and sleeping. Medieval furnishings are usually heavy, oak, and decorated. Furniture design expanded during the Renaissance of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The seventeenth century, in Southern and Northern Europe, is characterized by a plush and often gilded Baroque design. The nineteenth century is usually defined by the style of revival. The first three quarters of the twentieth century are often seen as a march towards Modernism. One of the unique results of post-modern furniture design is the return to natural shapes and textures.

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The English word furniture is derived from the French word fourniture , the noun form fournir , which means providing or providing. Thus fourniture in French means inventory or condition. Use of English, refers specifically to household objects, specific to that language; French and other Roman languages ​​and German variants of the word meubles , derived from Latin mobilia , meaning "moving goods".

Maps Furniture


Prehistoric furniture

The practice of using natural objects as imperfect furnishings is likely to originate from the very beginning of human civilization. Early humans tended to use tree stumps as seating, rocks as imperfect tables, and mossy areas for sleeping. During the late or early neolithic paleolithic period, from about 30,000 years ago, people began to build and carve their own furniture, using wood, stone and animal bones. The earliest evidence for the existence of furniture built is the Venus statue found on the site of Gagarino in Russia, which depicts the goddess in a sitting position, on the throne. The same statue of the Mother Goddess is found at Catal Huyuk in Turkey, which is between 6000 and 5500 BC. The inclusion of seating on the statues indicates that this is already a common artifact of that age.

A variety of unique stone furniture has been unearthed at Skara Brae, a Neolithic village in Orkney, Scotland. The site dates from 3100-2500 BC and due to the wood shortage in Orkney, the people of Skara Brae are forced to build with stones, materials available that can work easily and turn into items for home use. Each house features high sophistication and comes with a variety of stone furniture, from cabinets, dressers and beds to shelves, stone chairs, and limpet tanks. The stone dresser is considered the most important because it symbolically faces the entrance in every home and therefore the first item seen when entering, perhaps featuring a symbolic object, including decorative artwork such as some Neolithic Carved Stone Balls also found on the site.

Ancient furniture has been dug from the 8th century BC, Phrygian tumulus, Midas Mound, in Gordion, Turkey. The pieces found here include tables and ornamental presentation booths. There are also surviving works from the Assyrian Nimrud court from the 9th century until the 8th century. The earliest surviving carpet, Pazyryk carpet was found in a frozen grave in Siberia and has been dated between the 6th and 3rd centuries BC.

Ancient Egyptian

Civilization in ancient Egypt began with the cleansing and irrigation of land along the banks of the Nile, which began around 6000 BC. At that time, people in the Nile Valley had been involved in organized farming and the construction of large buildings. In this period, the Egyptians in the southwest corner of Egypt were herding cattle and also building large buildings. Mortar is used about 4000 BC. The inhabitants of the Nile Valley and delta are self-sufficient and raise barley and emmer (early varieties of wheat) and store them in holes lined with alang-alang mats. They raise cattle, goats and pigs and they weave linens and baskets. The furniture evidence from the rare predinastik period, but the samples from the First Dynasty tombs show the use of furnishings that have advanced in the houses of the times.

During the dynastic period, which began in about 3200 BC, Egyptian art evolved significantly, and this included furniture design. Egyptian furniture is mainly built using wood, but other materials are sometimes used, such as leather, and the pieces are often decorated with gold, silver, ivory and ebony, for decoration. The wood found in Egypt is not suitable for furniture construction, so it must be imported into the country from elsewhere, especially Phenicia. Scarcity of wood requires innovation in construction techniques. The use of scarf joints to combine two shorter pieces and form longer rays is one such example, as well as veneer construction in which low-quality cheap wood is used as the main building material, with a thin layer of expensive wood on it. surface.

The earliest seating furniture used in the dynastic period was the bench, which was used throughout Egyptian society, from the royal family to the ordinary citizens. Different designs are used, including stools with four vertical legs, and the other with crossed legs crossed; almost all have rectangular chairs. Examples include a worker bench, a simple three-leg structure with a sunken chair, designed for comfort during labor, and a more ornate folding bench, with folded folding legs, dotted with carved and ivory ducks, and hinges made of bronze. Full seats were rarer in early Egypt, limited only to wealthy and high-ranking people, and seen as a status symbol; they did not reach ordinary households until the eighteenth dynasty. Early examples are formed by adding the back straight to the bench, while the chairs then back to back. Other types of furniture in ancient Egypt include tables, which are highly represented in art, but hardly present as preserved items - perhaps because they are placed outside the tombs rather than inside, as well as the beds and storage cabinets.

Ancient Greek

The historical knowledge of Greek furniture comes from various sources, including literature, terracotta, sculptures, sculptures, and painted vases. Some parts survive to this day, especially those made of metal, including bronze, or marble. Wood is an important material in Greek furniture, both domestic and imported. A common technique is to build a major piece of furniture with cheap solid wood, then apply veneer using expensive wood, such as maple or ebony. Construction of Greek furniture also uses pens and tenon to unify wooden parts. Wood is formed by carvings, steam treatments, and lathe, and furniture is known to have been decorated with ivory, tortoiseshell, glass, gold or other valuable materials.

The modern word "throne" comes from the ancient Greek thronos (a single Greek: ??????), which is a seat devoted to a high-ranking god or individual. Zeus's colossal chrysellephantine sculpture in Olympia, built by Phidias and lost in antiquity, featured the god Zeus sitting on an elaborate throne, adorned with gold, precious stones, ebony and ivory, according to Pausanias. Other Greek chairs include klismos, elegant Greek chairs with arched backs and legs shaped by Romans and now part of the furniture design vocabulary, the diphros, which are in most Greek houses , and folding benches. The kline, used from the late seventh century BC, is a versatile piece used as a bed, but also as a sofa and to lie down while eating. It's rectangular and supported with four legs, two of which can be longer than others, providing support for arm rests or bed heads. Mattresses, carpets, and blankets may have been used, but there is no evidence for sheets.

In general, the Greek tables are low and often appear in shared depictions of clinic . The most common type of Greek table has a rectangular top supported on three legs, although many existing configurations, including trapezoid and circle. The table in ancient Greece was used primarily for eating purposes - in the deliberations of banquets, it seemed as if each participant would take advantage of a table, rather than the collective use of larger pieces. The tables also stand out in the context of religion, as shown in vase paintings, eg wine vessels associated with Dionysus, aged around 450 BC and now preserved at the Art Institute of Chicago. Chests are used for storing clothes and personal belongings, and are usually rectangular with hinged lids. The chest depicted in the terracotta shows intricate patterns and designs, including the Greek fret.

Ancient Rome

Roman furniture relies heavily on Greek furniture, in style and construction. In recent centuries Rome has gradually replaced Greece as the leading European culture, which eventually led to Greece becoming the province of Rome in 146 BC. Rome then took over the production and distribution of Greek furniture, and the line between the two became blurred. The Romans had some limited innovations beyond Greek influence, and their own style was different.

Roman furniture was built mainly using wood, metal and stone, with marble and limestone used for outside furniture. Very few wooden furnishings survive intact, but there is evidence that various woods are used, including maple, citron, beech, oak, and holly. Some imported wood such as satinwood is used for decoration. The most commonly used metals are bronzes, many of which are safe, for example the headrests for sofas and metal benches. Similar to the Greeks, the Romans used thorns, pens, nails, and glue to unite pieces of wood, and also practiced coatings.

Excavations 1738 and 1748 Herculaneum and Pompeii reveal Roman furnishings, preserved in ash eruption AD 79 Vesuvius, into the eighteenth century.

Medieval Europe

Unlike the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, we have little evidence of furniture from the 5th century to the 15th century. Very few remaining pieces survive, and evidence in the literature is also scarce. It is likely that the style of furniture prevalent in the late antiquity lasted throughout the Middle Ages. For example, a throne similar to Zeus is depicted in the sixth sixth century, while the Bayeux rug shows Edward the Confessor and Harold sits in a chair similar to Roman sella curulis.

Medieval furniture is usually heavy, oak, and decorated with carved designs. Along with other art, the fourteenth and fifteenth century Italian Renaissance marks a rebirth in design, often inspired by Greco-Roman traditions. A similar design explosion, and a general cultural revival, occurred in Northern Europe, beginning in the fifteenth century. The 17th century, both in Southern Europe and Northern Europe, is characterized by a plush and often gilded Baroque design that often incorporates vegetation ornaments and scrolls. Beginning in the eighteenth century, furniture designs began to grow faster. Although there are several styles that are primarily owned by one nation, such as Palladianism in England or Louis Quinze in French furniture, others, such as Rococo and Neoclassicism are immortalized throughout Western Europe.

18th century

During the eighteenth century fashion was made in England by French art. In the beginning of the century Boulle

cabinets were at the peak of their popularity and Louis XIV ruled in France. In this era most of the furniture has metal decoration and enamelled in it and some of the furniture is covered inlay lapis lazuli marbles, and porphyry and other stones. In medieval this Baroque style was displaced by the graceful curves, shining ormolu, and marquetry elaborate Rococo style, which in turn gave way around 1770 to a more severe line of Neoclassicism, mimicking ancient Greek and Roman architecture.

19th century

The nineteenth century is usually defined by concurrent revival styles, including Gothic, Neoclassicism, Rococo, and the EastHaven Movement. Design reforms at the end of the century introduced the Aesthetic movement and the Arts and Crafts movement. Art Nouveau is influenced by both movements.

Initial North America

This design is in many ways rooted in need and emphasizes both form and material. American early chairs and tables are often built with spindles that change and chair backs are often made with steam to bend wood. Wood choices tend to decay hard with special emphasis on edible timber or fruit-bearing trees such as cherry or walnut.


The first three quarters of the twentieth century are often seen as a march towards Modernism. Art Deco, De Stijl, Bauhaus, Wiener WerkstÃÆ'¤tte, and Vienna Secession designers all work to some degree in the Modernist idiom. Born of the Bauhaus style and Art Deco/Streamline came the PDII post "Mid-Century Modern" using materials developed during the war including laminated plywood, plastic and fiberglass. Key examples include furniture designed by George Nelson Associates, Charles and Ray Eames, Paul McCobb, Florence Knoll, Harry Bertoia, Eero Saarinen, Harvey Probber, Vladamir Kagan and modern Danish designers including Finn Juhl and Arne Jacobsen. The postmodern design, which intersected the Pop Art movement, gained power in the 1960s and 70s, was promoted in the 80s by groups such as the Memphis-based movement of Italy. The transitional furniture is meant to fill the place between Traditional and Modern tastes.


The great efforts of individuals, governments, and corporations have led to the creation of products with higher sustainability known as Ecodesign. This new furniture line is based on environmentally friendly design. Its use and popularity increase every year.


One of the unique results of post-modern furniture design is the Live edge, heralding back to natural shapes and textures inside the house.

Asian History

Asian furniture has a quite different history. The traditions of India, China, Pakistan, Indonesia (Bali and Java) and Japan are some of the best known, but places like Korea, Mongolia, and Southeast Asian countries have their own unique aspect.

The unpainted use of unpainted wood and bamboo and the use of heavy lacquer are the famous Chinese styles. It should be noted that Chinese furniture varies dramatically from one dynasty to the next.

Traditional Japanese furniture is renowned for its minimalist style, extensive wood use, high-quality craftsmanship, and wood fiber dependence, not paintings or thick lacquers. The Japanese box is known as Tansu, known for its intricate decorative ironworks, and some of Japan's most sought after antiques. Most of the available antiques date back to the Tokugawa and Meiji periods.

Barrish Sisal Sofa | Gallery Furniture


To sit

Seating is among the oldest known types of furniture, and authors including EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica consider it the most important. In addition to functional design, seating has had important decorative elements from ancient times to the present day. These include carved pieces and sculptures that are intended as works of art, as well as seat styles to show social interests, with senior figures or leaders giving the use of specially designed chairs.

The simplest form of a chair is a chair, a piece of furniture designed to allow one person to sit, with a back and a leg, and a platform to sit down. Chairs often feature cushions made of various fabrics.

Furniture Design |

Type of wood used

All different types of woods have unique signatures that can help identify the species easily. Both hardwood and softwood are used in furniture manufacturing, and each has its own specific uses. Most commonly, quality furniture made of hardwood made of teak, maple, mahogany, teak, walnut, cherries and birch. The highest quality wood will be dried with air to remove moisture.

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Standard for design, functionality and security

  • EN 527 Office furniture - Work desk and desk
  • EN 1335 Office furniture - Office chair
  • ANSI/BIFMA X 5.1 Office Seating
  • DIN 4551 Office furniture; swivel office chair with adjustable back or armrest, height adjustable
  • EN 581 Outdoor furniture - Seating and table for camping, domestic usage and contract
  • EN 1728: 2014 Furniture - Seating - Test method for strength and endurance determination- updated in 2014.
  • EN 1730: Furniture 2012 - Test method for determining stability, strength and durability.
  • BS 4875 Furniture. Strength and stability of furniture. Method of determining the stability of non-domestic storage furniture (English Standard)
  • EN 747 Furniture - Bunk beds and high bed - Test method for determining stability, strength and durability
  • EN 13150 Workbenches for laboratory - Security requirements and test methods
  • EN 1729 School furniture, chairs and tables for educational institutions
  • RAL-GZ 430 Standard furniture from Germany
  • NEN 1812 Standard Furniture from Holland
  • GB 28007-2011 Furniture for children - General technical requirements for children's furniture designed and produced for children between 3 and 14 years
  • BS 5852: 2006 Test method for assessing the ability of seated seating ignitability by ignited and blazing fire sources


See also

  • Casters that make some furniture can be moved
  • The furniture designer

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Contemporary furniture choices -

External links

  • The furniture design drawings are available from Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) - including images from Frederick Parker's Chair Collection, Archives Design Board, and Slide Collection Design Board.
  • Timeline Furniture History Of Maltwood Museum and Art Gallery, University of Victoria
  • Colored Furniture Illustration
  • House Archive Economics: Tradition, Research, History (HEART)
    The e-book collection of over 1,000 books on the home economy spanning the years 1850 to 1950, created by Cornell University Mann Library. Including several hundred pieces of furniture and interior design in this period, detailed in a special bibliography.
  • American Furniture at the Metropolitan Art Museum , a fully digitized 2 volume exhibit catalog

Source of the article : Wikipedia
