Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

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Speedball (paintball) - Wikipedia

The idea of ​​a player's position in paintball refers to the common mind-set and role of the game that the sports player assumes. There are different levels of complexity used by players when referring to those positions, and there is no set of official or universal player positions.

Video Player positions (paintball)


Speedball teams usually consist of three to seven players in various positions:

Front (or "Frontman") - players assigned to the furthest bunker on the pitch from the break. This position can also include Snake players who are assigned to the "snake" bunker in particular. A forward usually does not release breaks, just run and dive for the bottom position. 'Snake' is usually the most influential element in NPPL & amp; The PSP tournament field, with it flanking the field. Speed ​​and agility are two traits that work very well for the forward players. Frontmen usually shoot most players and use the least paint as they have the most advantageous angles. There is usually no more than one or two front players on the team.

Midfielder - players assigned to the bunker between the front and back players. They can also be an "Insert", a player, assigned the role of filling in the place of the eliminated co-key. Mid is considered one of the most difficult positions to be played in a paintball tournament because he has to be the jack of all trades. Midway can shoot while moving, he can jump to the snake, and he can make a path. Usually there are no more than 2 middle players on the team.

Floater - Floaters are roamers. Floaters is very fast and can roam the paintball field giving support to his teammates. They will also take over if one of them is exposed. Thus, you must be experienced in playing various positions.

Return players (or just "backs") - players are usually assigned to a bunker array closest to the starting point (like right back or left back, dorito, etc.). The Back players fired a pressing 'line' and took the opposing players off the pause while the midfield and forward moved. The defender sometimes brings as many as 2,000 balls in their pod pack so they can consistently hit the opposing player. There is usually no more than 2 players behind in the team.

Insert players (or "inserts") - this is the type of player that can be filled anywhere needed. They can start as defenders, and as the snake player is eliminated, it can rush to where the player is eliminated and take control from there.

Maps Player positions (paintball)

Scenario-specific roles and classes

In a paintball game scenario, players are often given positions that they must then fulfill as part of a given scenario. These roles can be seen as different from the team's position because in general they only play a temporary role held by the player for the duration, and goal, of a game or event. Examples of some of the rules that game producers have:

  • Engineer : Engineers have the ability to 'destroy' buildings, tanks, and target specific scenarios. Usually this is done by using a fake satchel load thrown by the player and the watchdog refers the player who is 'killed'.
  • General : The most common of all game scenarios; there is usually at least one General for each side of the scenario. The general orders the scenario team at his side and dictates orders to anyone at his side. In games where ratings are taken into account, a General is usually worth more points.
  • Officers : In addition to generals, there are lower level officers such as lieutenants and majors who are in the general chain of command.
  • Medic : The player 'heals' medically on the pitch and not the 'injured' player must walk far to the point of insertion.
  • Sniper : Sniper can point to enemy player to Ref, and Ref will call the player out.
  • Tank crew officer : Operate the tank, or shoot it. A tank shooter is usually armed with ordinary markers that shoot out of the tank gun port.
  • Tank hunter : Brings rockets based on 'Bazooka' which can destroy enemy tanks.
  • Mercenary : Mercenary players, usually field scenario teams, can be 'bought' at a particular event by the public for short periods of time. Mercenaries are usually experienced tournament players who know the pitch better than most of the field players. Game Monster Hell Hell is famous for his mercenaries.

Speedball paintball, 5v5 playing snake GoPro 2013 - YouTube


Source of the article : Wikipedia
