The symbol of Francoism is an iconic reference to identify the Francoist Country in Spain between 1936 and 1975. They serve as visual illustrations for the Spanish Francoist ideology. Uniforms are designed for men and women that incorporate elements of the previous Falangis and Carlist uniforms. The state developed new flags and escutcheons based on the traditional symbol of the monarchy, but is now associated with the state. The symbol of five arrows combined with the yoke was also adopted from antiquity, but after 1945 the arrows always pointed upwards. This emblem appears in buildings, plaques and uniforms.
Many statues of Francisco Franco are installed in public places, some to lend legitimacy to their country. Several towns, streets and plazas were given a new name coming from Franco and his entourage. Franco causes many monuments to be built, some of which are important buildings. Most impressive is the Valle de los CaÃÆ'dos, the Valley of the Fall, combining a large basilica built on the side of a mountain. War memorials and placards to commemorate those who had died in the Spanish Civil War were installed in many towns and villages.
After Franco's death in 1975, followed by the return of democracy, many of the symbols of Francoism were destroyed or removed and places renamed. The October 2007 law mandates the abolition of all remaining symbols from public buildings, with some exceptions to certain religious or artistic works.
Video Symbols of Francoism
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The Second Spanish Republic was founded in April 1931 after King Alfonso XIII had forced dictator General Miguel Primo de Rivera to resign, followed by national elections. The king and the former dictator fled the country when the republic was declared. The new government inherited the bankrupt state. In an atmosphere of political unrest, polarized opinions between the extreme right and the extreme left, often turn violent. To the right, the traditionalist Carlist movement was revived. In 1933, the aristocrat JosÃÆ'à © Antonio Primo de Rivera, the son of a former dictator, founded the right-wing Falange movement, similar to the Italian Fascists. In February 1934 Falange joined the Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista (J.O.N.S), another rightwing group. Left-wing unions strike across industry or across the city, and in the Marxist and Anarchist Catalonia groups compete for power. Unemployed workers confiscate land, occupied plantations and burned churches.
At the time of the political crisis, on July 17, 1936, General Francisco Franco led the Spanish colonial troops from Morocco to attack the mainland, beginning the Spanish Civil War. A bitter war of defeat, in which over 500,000 people were killed, was dragged until 1 April 1939, when the Franco-led Nationalists had gained complete control of the country. Franco is supported by Falange and Carlist ComuniÃÆ'ón Tradicionalista, and unites both parties to form Falange EspaÃÆ' à ± ola Tradicionalista y de las JONS , or FET y de las JONS , whose official ideology is 27 puntos Falangis. The new party is a vast nationalist coalition, tightly controlled by Franco.
Franco had received material support in the civil war of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the German and Italian rulers, but when World War II broke out in September 1939, he mentioned his exhausted state in maintaining a neutrality position. In June 1940, Spain changed its non-aggressive position. Despite pressure from Axis diplomats, that's how far Franco will go. After the war ended in 1945, Franco remained a Spanish dictator, initially isolated among Western-European post-war democracies. This isolation was gradually eroded by the pressure of the Cold War, with Spain signing a security agreement with the United States in 1953. In the 1960s Spain experienced an explosion of a thriving tourism industry and from the relaxation of trade barriers, the modernization of economically and subsequently culturally putting pressure on the country's conservative values. However, Franco held power until his death in November 1975. Soon after, the transition to democracy began. The 1977 amnesty law was passed in which Franco's followers were given immunity for past offenses in return for supporting the transition.
Maps Symbols of Francoism
Photographs taken at a ceremony in October 1933 when Falange EspaÃÆ' à ± ola de las JONS was founded did not show anyone wearing a uniform, but pictures of the Junta PolÃÆ'tica meeting a year then show some (but not all) members in official uniform. It consists of a dark blue shirt with epaulettes and black trousers. The left pocket of the shirt symbolizes the Falange. Women wear blue shirts and knee-high black skirts, with leather belts that symbolize Falange's emblem on the buckle. At a meeting at Teatro CalderÃÆ'ón in Valladolid in March 1934 the hall was filled with banners and badges, and many participants wore blue shirts, visually displaying what José © Antonio Primo de Rivera calls "the spirit of service and sacrifice, the hermit and the military concept of life. "Then, upscale women may use the Falangist badge on their clothes as fashion accessories. When Carmen Primo de Rivera, sister JosÃÆ'à © Antonio, married in December 1938, she had yokes and arrows embroidered on her wedding dress. After JosÃÆ'à © Antonio died, a black tie was added in his memory.
After union with the Carlis, the original Falange uniform became important in identifying the original Falangis. The red beret has become a symbol of karlism in the 1860s. The new party, commonly known as Movimiento Nacional, was given a uniform with a Falangis blue shirt, red Caret berets and a military belt. The party symbol is the yoke and the Falangis arrow. A portrait of Franco by Ignacio Zuloaga from 1940 shows him wearing a blue shirt, military boots and jodhpurs, and a red beret of requetÃÆ'à © s.
Heraldic devices, symbols and icons
At Pronunciamiento 17 and 18 July 1936, rebel military forces used national flags with their superimposed insignia, meaning, the current "tricolor" with the 1869 emblem, which was approved. by the Spanish Constitution of 1931. However, in operations, particularly in air and naval combat, the rebels soon found confusion in distinguishing their units from those of the government. Also, in a heterogeneous rebel political family, the Carlis in Navarre insist on going to battle with red and gold or white embroidered red flags, known as burgundy San Andrà © s, and they include various symbols with a mixture of monarchic and religious symbols , the latter is specifically directed at the worship of "the Sacred Heart".
The Government aims to resolve this flag situation with the Decree of 29 August 1936, signed by General Miguel Cabanellas, who returned the red and yellow flags. There is no reference to dimensions or symbols, so rebel forces use a number of different weapons. To resolve this situation, the Junta added an order for Decision on 13 September 1936, signed by Colonel Federico Montaner. It defines the shape and dimension of the Army's flag to be the same as it was before the Republic's proclamation. The emblem belongs to the Republic. Finally, considering the purpose of Falange, the new design for the emblem was officially determined and governed by Decision number 470, February 2, 1938, signed by General Franco.
Escutcheon, known as "Eagle escutcheon", and then representing his rebel and ideological group, came into force after the conflict as a national escutcheon for Spain. This included some minor technical improvements approved in 1945, during the period of the Francois State itself and also during the democratic transition period until 1981. A certain symbolic change of value was approved in 1977, much like making the eagle's wings much more open.
With strict directions from the Franco government, the shield design for the national emblem represents a traditional departure that has been used in various forms since 1868. After this change, the Spanish escutcheon is attached to the State and not the Monarchy. Without affecting the basic design, the shield is divided into four with the symbols of Castille, LeÃÆ'ón, Aragon and Navarre, plus the à «Ã« point à »Granada. The inclusion of other historical announcer elements gives a clear symbolic meaning: "A set of arrows and yoke of the Catholic Monarchy, whose adoption as a badge is one of our great Falange's successes, should appear in the official arm to show what it must be the tone of the New Country."
The eagle at Franco Franco has been used in the arms of the Catholic Monarchy. It is the Eagle of St. John the Evangelist, in which Queen Isabella I of Castile was used on the evangelist espasscheon which he added the words of sub umbra alarum tuarum protégé nos (protecting us under the shadow of your wings). The emblem used by Franco is similar to the Catholic monarchy, the Aragonian-Sicilian arm replaced by the Navarre people, the addition of the Pillars of Hercules and the motto of One, Great and Free. .
Origin of Yoke, arrow, and Gordian node
In the Spanish heraldic tradition, the yoke, arrow set and Gordian Knot, are elements that join the leaves and pomegranates and the motto of Tanto monta, monta tanto Equal equality, personal motto and prenuptial agreement of Catholic Monarch Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, embodied in Pedro Marcuello's song. This motto is used on the second weapon Monarch of 1475. They make a deal, now called Concordia de Segovia and the symbol is a graphical representation of this pact that unites the two most important kings on the peninsula. This is the oldest known image of escutcheon.
The bundle of arrows may come from Roman fasces, a bundle of stems and axes by projecting a knife, brought before the judge to show their strength. Arrows point downward to show that they are ready for use in executing criminals or for war. With the marriages of Ferdinand and Isabella, the bundle of arrows meant the union of Castile and Aragon to create Spain. His yoke belonged to Isabel and Ferdinand's arrows. The F is the first letter of the name Fernando, and the letter Y is the first letter of Isabella. Gordian knot, cut, unite the two. The number of arrows varies, but always points down. Over time, the Catholic Monarchist badge spread to other heraldic compositions, and was adopted in several variants as a symbol of not only cities and towns such as Ronda, Marbella and Málaga, but also Puerto Rico and the Netherlands.
Falange symbol
The adoption of this symbol is described by a professor at the University of Granada, Fernando de los RÃÆ'os, who has a socialist tendency. In a class about the political laws of the Fascist state and its symbols, he draws on the blackboard a pair of arrows linked to the yoke, indicating that this would be a symbol of Fascism and had been born or raised in Spain. He said that if ever there was Spanish fascism, this would be a symbol. Juan Aparicio LÃÆ'ópez, a student attending the class, suggested the adoption of this symbol for JONS OnÃÆ' à © simo Redondo and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos (Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista).He also proposed 'red and black 'and the slogan "Spanish: one, great and free." JONS adopted the indentations and arrows, which soon became popular because of its geometric simplicity, warlike symbolism, and prayer in a time when Spain was very noble. This emblem was adopted by Falange on at the merger of 13 February 1934. Kukan and arrows represent the unification of the five kingdoms of Castile, Leon, Aragon, Granada and Navarre, and the national unity and glory of the Ferdinand and Isabella periods are the persistent themes of Franco Spanish.
Poet and activist Rafael SÃÆ'ánchez Mazas writes, in an issue of El Fascio magazine 1933 the reason for the use of Spanish Falange from some aspects used by the Catholic Monarchy is because of their origin in the works of the Roman poet Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC). The symbolism of the arrow, as the expression of war used in Virgil Aeneid , and the yoke, the symbol for agriculture, is based on Virgil's poem, Georgics, and is intended to give the falangist symbolism: ... We integrate yoke and set arrow into the symbol. If the yoke is without a heavy arrow, the arrow without the yoke is in danger of becoming too scattered. We change, not policy, discipline, behavior, style, way of being, education. Those who are responsible for Falange's ideology, such as JosÃÆ'à © Antonio Primo de Rivera, Juan Aparicio, Ernesto GimÃÆ'à © nez Caballero, Ramiro Ledesma, Orbegozo, wrote in the journal Fascio chosen also close to Italian Fascism. VÃÆ'ctor
"Winner" is a symbol of the Ancient Roman Empire. After the Milan Decree in 313 AD, crismÃÆ'ón appeared on coins, flags and eventually also became part of the shield of the Roman legion. According to legend, the night before the battle of Ponte Milvio, crismÃÆ'ón with the words in hoc signo vinsi (In this sign, you conquered ') it seems the Emperor Constantine the Great in his dream. The next day the Emperor replaced the Imperial eagle by crismÃÆ'ón on the standard, labarum , and he won the battle. Over time, gradually incorporated, in various forms, on the Roman crown. It has become a symbol of victory and victory. From the fourteenth century, it was adopted as a symbol for doctors by some Spanish universities, such as the University of Salamanca and later AlcalÃÆ'á de Henares, and in mural inscriptions performed on red or black paint that remain to this day. Finally, it was chosen as suitable for use at Victory Parade (July 18, 1939) and, after that, the entire dictatorship of Franco, as the emblem of Franco. It is mistakenly thought to have been designed by Corintio Haza, which incorporates the astrological symbol in the emblem to protect Caudillo.
Guidon, head of the Standard Coat State and weapons of Franco
The road signs, personal military flags, and head of State standards were made in 1940 and then used until the death of the dictator. The line between the two dragons separates the two Hercules Pillars which have a silver column, the golden capital of Corinth and headed by a crown. The crown that is closest to the line, which is always in the column placed at the bottom of the flag, is the Imperial crown with the center erect bar. The one in the other column is the crown of the Kingdom, it has a more open top and is always in a column placed at the top of the flag. The Royal Bend of Castile, which is a personal badge of Castilian Monarchs and later used by the House of Habsburg, was used as a basis for the creation of escutcheon. Standards, flags flown in official residence, barracks and on board the Spanish Navy, are square with the elements mentioned above. La Banda de Castilla and Column Hercules forms part of a private escuteon used by Franco as Head of State. The symbols also contain the Laureate Cross of Saint Ferdinand as a supporter and a crooked open crown known as the crown of military leadership.
Franco Statue
The statues represent a diverse representation of statues of dictators: statues, horse statues, etc., which are placed by the state in many Spanish cities. The goal of having many statues has changed over time. It has been argued that until 1959 (and especially in the 1940s) the goal of many statues was to legitimize the state and "perpetuate the memory of victory". It further said that in the 1960s it was a special award to show "the appreciation of Franco and his achievements" (in the spirit of commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Peace). In the last period (after Franco's death until 1978) the statues were to "secure memories" of "unchanging destinations.
The most important horsemen are placed in prominent places in Valencia, Santander and Nuevos Ministerios in Madrid. The original was designed in 1959 by JosÃÆ'à © Capuz Mamano. The statue is located at Complutense University in Madrid, with another copy in Barcelona, ââZaragoza (1948), Melilla, Ferrol, and the Maeztu Ramiro Institute in Madrid (1942, smaller than the original and moved to the Infantry Academy at Toledo in the 1980s to the Infantry Academy in Toledo.
The places where the statues can now be found:
- Ferrol: a statue taller than six meters, in Franco's birthplace. Originally stationed at la Plaza de Espaà ± a, now at the Museo Naval de HerrerÃÆ'as, inside a military naval shipyard.
- Toledo: on the side of the main Facade of the Infantry Academy in Toledo.
- Valencia: a dictator's horse statue drawn from Valencia in 1983 and now preserved in the courtyard of the Santo Domingo monastery.
- Melilla: retains the only Franco statue that can be seen standing on a public road and, after being withdrawn in 2005 due to roadwork to be done, is placed back about 50 meters from its previous location. This statue was made before Franco became Head of State and celebrated his achievements in the African War. Tenerife: in the city of El Rosario, there is a pedestal with a statue of Franco, who notes that in June 1936, the general leader of the Canary Islands (Franco) met there with the garrison officers to prepare for the uprising.
- La CoruÃÆ' à ± a: in various parts of the city, there are statues and placards, with a picture of a riding dictator surrounded by a Moorish guard from the Maria Pita Palace.
- Oviedo: next to San Francisco Park and inside the building complex belonging to the Civil Government of Asturias, a bronze statue of Franco on the side overlooking the park.
The statue was recently deleted
- Until February 2010, in Ceuta there was a monument called "Franco's Feet," where the footprints were beside the only temple in town.
- The last statue of Franco di Santander was withdrawn on December 18, 2008.
- A Franco statue in the Zaragoza Military Academy yard was withdrawn in August 2006.
- The statue located in Puebla de Vallbona, Valencia was removed in September 2005.
- In Guadalajara, in March 2005, a decision was taken to remove General Franco's statue from BeladÃÆ'ez Square and the statue of JosÃÆ'à © Antonio Primo de Rivera Park Concordia.
- On March 17, 2005, the statue was removed from Nuevos Ministerios at Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid.
- On June 9, 2017, the stone statue was removed from Plaza Mayor in Salamanca
War memorials and Plaques to "The Fall for the Lord and for Spain. "
Biblical monuments and plaques for those "The Fall to God and Spain" were placed in many villages, mostly outside the church. They contain a list of names of the dead belonging to the Spanish Nationalist party followed by the declaration 'Present!' similar to JosÃÆ'à © Antonio Primo de Rivera. The plaques, although there are many types, are usually made of marble and coated with bronze or other metals. Sometimes a placard is placed on the wall of the church, or if there is a wall nearby, at the funeral of the victim mentioned above the plaque. If there is a monument in the shape of a cross or a low obelisk that records the names, a plaque attaches to it. Many places have now chosen to move this type of monument to the cemetery, and in some cases they have turned into tributes to "fall" from both sides. There is another use of placards, this is at the opening of institutions and infrastructure such as railways, stations, reservoirs, etc., this plaque still exists today. Many plaques and monuments are not retained or withdrawn.
- The Victory Arch
- To commemorate General Franco's victory, the city of Corbera de Ebro was left just like after the battle.
- At an altitude of 427 meters at Quatre Camins, a stone crucifix stands for the Third Requetes of Our Lady of Montserrat, a Carillon Nationalist unit formed by Catalan volunteers, who suffered many casualties in this place. Cross St. Andrew stood on a pedestal.
- At an altitude of 481 in Punta Targa, a monument stands for the fraternity of the Third Requetes Our Lady of Montserrat. The base of the monument is an ossuary that contains the remains of fighters from both sides.
- At the crossroads for Faterella and Villalba de los Alcores there is a monolith established to commemorate the Navarre Fourth Division warriors who died on the banks of the Ebro.
- In Coll del Moro, on the outskirts of Gandesa, a monolith from 1953 marks the position from which Franco personally led the last attack. This monument has been marred with graffiti for and against Spanish Franco.
- In one of the top Puig de l'ÃÆ'â,¬ leagues near Gandesa, there is another monument but the original inscription has been lost over time.
- At Prat de Compte in front of the school there is a cross to remember 'Fallen for God and for Spain'.
- "Proyecto de Ley presentado el 8 de septiembre de 2006 (Ley de Memoria HistÃÆ'órica)" (PDF) (in Spanish). Congress of Deputies. September 8, 2006 . Retrieved 2012-08-12 .
- "Mapa de la Memoria (Memorial map)" (Spoken in Spanish). Asturias Opinion. Archived from the original on 2012-06-28 . Retrieved 2012-08-12 .
The Victory Arch of Madrid (Arco de la Victoria de Madrid ) is located in the Moncloa-Aravaca district of Madrid. The monument was built between 1953 and 1956 on the orders of Franco to commemorate his victory in the Spanish Civil War. The 40-meter-high arch (130 ft) reminiscent of a nationalist victory in the Battle of Universitaria Ciudad, where the University City was destroyed. The inscription in Latin describes the victory and construction of the new City University. Behind it is a monument to the Fallen of Madrid, designed in 1949 by architect Manuel Herrero de Palacios, a monumental dome-roofed building. Today is the home of the city council of Moncloa district - Aravaca.
Monuments to Fallen in Pamplona
Known as the Monument to the Fallen, its original name is Navarra a Muertos en la Cruzada (Navarre to Dead in the Crusade), as shown on its facade. The building was erected to commemorate the dead from Navarre, a Nationalist camp during the Civil War, and is located in the heart of Pamplona, ââthe capital of Navarre. The building was designed by architects Victor Eusa and JosÃÆ'à © Yamoz. The names of 5,000 Navarre people who died in combat in civil war are inscribed on the walls, but today they are covered by a piece of paper. Today the building is known as the "Sala de Exposiciones Conde Rodezno" (Exhibition Room of Conde Rodezno) and is used for small town exhibitions.
Headquarters, Cuartel de La MontaÃÆ' à ± a
Cuartel de la MontaÃÆ' à ± a is a military building in Madrid that achieved fame as a place where the July 1936 military uprising started in the city. On 19 July 1936 in Madrid, General Fanjul, without a commission, but was charged with a city rebellion, came in civilian clothes, to headquarters, Cuartel de La MontaÃÆ' à ± a. Instead of going with the troops to pick up important points from the capital, he only declares a state of war and becomes strong with 1,500 people (of which there are about 140 officers) and about 180 Falangis from Cuartel de La MontaÃÆ'à ± a.
That afternoon, the base was surrounded by unfaithful armed troops loyal to the Republican Guard Republican Guards, civilians and militia. At dawn on July 20, the shooting of the barracks began. The rebels only lasted for several hours. Disagreements amongst themselves, causing some rebels to fly white flags while others fired on the attackers. The garrison fell, almost completely destroyed. The inclusion of attackers resulted in the killing of most officers (ninety hundred and forty) and Falangis. There are between 150 and 300 people killed.
The building, which was largely destroyed during the siege, during the war suffered the effects of many artillery attacks due to its proximity to the front line, which for all intents and purposes stayed in the same place since early 1937. Toward the end of the war it was only a set of ruins, some of which are still can be seen in the early sixties. The park, Parque del Cuartel de la MontaÃÆ' à ± a, was inaugurated on July 20, 1972, when Franco was in power and Carlos Arias Navarro, future prime minister, was the mayor of Madrid. It combines monuments, also from 1972, by JoaquÃÆ'n Vaquero Turcios to commemorate those killed in his defense. It consists of a bronze figure representing the body of a wounded man in the middle of a wall carved in the shape of a sandbag.
Belchite Ruins
The Belchite battle occurred during the Republican attack on Aragon which began in August 1937, with Zaragoza as the target. For various reasons, including the heat, the lack of water and the military superiority of the Nationalists, the attack was unsuccessful. Beginning September 1, 1937, the republicans concentrated on the Belchite, with intense artillery bombardment combined with aerial bombing. The city was completely destroyed and 6,000 people were killed when the defenders surrendered on September 6, 1937. Although the result was a Republican victory, the delay caused by the fighting gave the Nationalists time to regroup and prevent progress to Zaragoza.
Franco determined that the original city was left in a state of destruction as a monument. Republican prisoners were made to build the new town of Belchite, but the original city has not been rebuilt. The ruins remain as monuments that attract a small number of battlefield tourists each year.
Monument to Ebro Battle
The bloodiest battle of the Civil War fought on the left bank of the Ebro river.
Paracuellos Massacre Monument
Guardians of the Republic of the militia killed over a thousand prisoners in the "Massacre of Paracuellos", during the Battle of Madrid, in the area around San Jose, in the municipality of Paracuellos de Jarama, and Soto Aldovea, within the limits of Torrejón de Ardoz. They are commemorated by a large white cross on the slopes of Cerro de San Miguel, near the river Jarama and visible from Madrid-Barajas airport.
Fortress in Toledo
In the 3rd century, Alcázar from Toledo is a Roman palace. It was restored during the reigns of Alfonso VI and Alfonso X and was modified in 1535. During the Civil War it was used by Colonel Josà © MoscardÃÆ'ó Ituarte as a defense and resistance building. During the siege there, which lasted 70 days, from 22 July to 28 September 28, 1936, it was completely destroyed by a loyal force to the Second Spanish Republic. Later rebuilt. Since 1998, the place has the Castile-La Mancha Library, and since 2010 the Army Museum has also been held. Siege and release were used by Francisco Franco to build his domination with his followers. The Ultra newspaper named the building El AlcÃÆ'ázar of Spain, although it was originally a daily referring to it as a historic landmark.
Monument to cruiser" Baleares "
The Monument to the cruiser "Baleares" ( El Monumento al Crucero Ã, à «BalearesÃ,û ) is located in San Feixina Park, Palma, Majorca. This is controversial, with some groups calling for its abolition. The monument was set up to commemorate the crew of the Spanish explorer Baleares, who was stripped naked and drowned by the Spanish Republican naval destroyers in the Battle of Cape Palos. The monument was designed by architects Don Francisco and Don JosÃÆ'à © Roca SimÃÆ'ó (father and son) and sculptor JosÃÆ'à © Ortells Cabanellas. Inaugurated on May 16, 1947. This column is 22 meters (72 feet) high, topped by a very large cross. At one time he also had a statue of a sailor attached to an anchor.
Religious monuments
Franco was raised as a devout Catholic, and became convinced that Spanish nationalism and Catholicism were inseparable. He feels that Spain has a special religious mission, and fully identifies the cause with the cause of the church. Franco refers to his struggle against the Republicans as a "crusade" and presented his victory in 1939 as a victory of Christian civilization. While attending churches, he enters seriously under the canopy of religion. On 15 April 1938, the Vinaras beach was captured, dividing the territory occupied by the Republic into two. The head of the Navarre IV Division dipped his fingers into the water and made the sign of the cross, symbolically taking possession.
St. Teresa was established by traditionalists and the Catholic Church as a "saint of the Spanish race". Nationalist troops found a relic of a saint in Málaga, one of his hands, sent to Franco. He makes a personal cult of devotion to the saint, saving relics in his home until he dies.
The Valley of Fall
This monument falls in a civil war built by Republican war prisoners. It is on a large scale, with a basilica built into a pine-covered mountain side, with a large cobblestone cross above the entrance. The cross is 500 feet (150 m) high and visible from a distance of 30 miles (48 km). Monuments and basilicas built in accordance with Decision 1 of April 1940 provide for the construction of Basilica, monastery and youth headquarters, on a farm located on the slopes of Sierra de Guadarrama (El Escorial), "to perpetuate the memories of our glorious Crusade fall." Construction began in the 1940s and the structure was completed in 1959.
Franco's grave is next to the altar. The monument is still visited by his death-hard support group on the anniversary of Franco's death. JosÃÆ'à © Antonio Primo de Rivera and many other combatants from both sides of the Spanish Civil War are buried in the valley. Perhaps 50,000 Franco supporters are buried there, along with a handful of Republicans. Human rights groups are calling for "El Valle de los Caidos" to be transformed into a center that will teach visitors about the civil war and the Francoist Country. Others have requested that the bodies of Jose Antonio and Franco be removed, and that placards or other methods are used to give visitors an understanding of the historical setting.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Cerro de los ÃÆ' ngeles (Hill of Angels) is the site of the Monumento al Sagrado CorazÃÆ'ón (Sacred Heart Monument). The original monument was created by architect Carlos Maura Nadal and sculptor Aniceto Marinas y GarcÃÆ'a, and inaugurated by King Alfonso XIII on May 30, 1919. It was destroyed on 7 August 1936 during the civil war. The Republican Party denominates the monument because of its religious and political symbolism. There is a proposal to replace it with a figure representing Liberty or Republic, but this is not executed.
The current monument is similar in design to the 1919 monument, but on a larger scale. Construction began in 1944 for design by architects Pedro Muguruza and Luis Quijada MartÃÆ'nez. The monument shows Christ with open arms, inviting everyone to come to Him. The 11.5 meter (38 feet) high statue at 26 meters (85 feet) is the work of Aniceto Marinas, and the sculpture group around the base is Fernando Cruz SolÃÆ's. The monument was opened in 1965. The basement, which was not in the original monument, was opened in 1975.
Place name
City and country
Today, there are a dozen cities that keep Franco's memories in their official names. The only one that has the status of a municipality is Llanos del Caudillo, with 726 inhabitants. Many other cities and towns have the same name for decades, such as El Ferrol del Caudillo (until 1982, in the province of La CoruÃÆ' à ± a), or Barbate de Franco (until 1998, in the province of Cadiz), draw references to Franco after the restoration of democracy. Franco wants to honor the generals of the Nationalists by putting their names to various locations, and they still maintain this. Such is the case of San Leonardo de YagÃÆ'üe, where General Juan YagÃÆ'üe was born, or Alcocero de Mola, where General Emilio Mola died in a plane crash during the war. The case of Numancia de la Sagra (Toledo) is an example. Since the Middle Ages the city was known as AzaÃÆ' à ± a , but during this Civil War coincided with the first name of the Prime Minister of Spain, Manuel AzaÃÆ' à ± a, so was replaced in 1936. The original name, Azana means wheel (Arabic-Moor word). The city is now called "Numancia", after the regiment that captured it and "Sagra" for the territory it belongs to.
Street name
Franco's memory is still in the names of streets, squares and streets from various cities and towns. There are also streets, streets and squares in many cities and towns in Spain with the names of generals from during the Civil War and the Nationalist parties, military commanders such as Mola, Sanjurjo, MoscardÃÆ'ó, YagÃÆ'üe and MillÃÆ'án Astray. Other names of the time Franco used, such as JosÃÆ'à © Antonio Primo de Rivera, Ramiro Ledesma, OnÃÆ'à © simo Redondo, JosÃÆ'à © Calvo Sotelo, ect. Those who have no personal relationship with Franco, are those who have died before or during the war; JosÃÆ'à © Antonio Primo de Rivera, who was imprisoned, opposed the National Uprising and became part of a previous conspiracy.
Symbol removal
In January 1980 the Madrid city council decided to change the name of twenty downtown roads, returning them to the names they had before April 14, 1931, when the Second Republic was created. Avenida del GeneralÃÆ'simo, created from that date, became Paseo de la Castellana. In 1981 Avenida de JosÃÆ'à © Antonio in Madrid was renamed La Gran VÃÆ'a . But despite the withdrawal of some symbols during the first years of the Transition, some of the symbols remained more than thirty years after his death.
The Spanish Historical Memory Act, approved by the Deputy Congress on 31 October 2007, ordered the removal of memorial plaques, statues and other symbols of public buildings. It also opens public archives covering periods and facilitates the task of finding and digging grave victims. Under the 2007 legislation introduced by the socialist government of Josà © à © Luis RodrÃÆ'guez Zapatero, the Falangis symbol should be removed from the public view, and the streets and plazas that respect Franco and his entourage should be renamed. The law was criticized by right-wing and right-wing observers, for being too soft or too heavy. One historian said that by focusing on the offenses committed by Franco, the government presented a left-wing republican government in a very favorable light, ignoring many problems of socialist, anarchist, communist, and separatist groups.
In 2010, the National Heritage Department stopped offering a tour to Franco's private residence at the El Pardo Royal Palace, although a tour of older castle sections with "high artistic value" will continue. In December 2010 Valle de los Caidos reopened, but with a strict security system to prevent vandalism or destruction by militant members of the victims association. In 2011 the government is considering extracting Franco's body from Valle de los Caidos and burying it beside his wife at a city cemetery. There have been several protests, but many have supported plans to turn the site into a place of reconciliation, with plaques to explain the past. RamÃÆ'ón JÃÆ'áuregui, the responsible minister, said, "We have dealt with the past bit by bit Maybe we handle this site a little late, but caution has been the key to our peaceful transition."
There is much debate about symbols that might affect the Church, so exceptions are introduced for religious reasons, and exceptions are made for monuments with certain artistic value. There are several symbolic symbols such as yokes and arrows at Casa Sindical (the brick tower overlooking Museo del Prado) and Movimiento Central Headquarters, AlcalÃÆ'á de Madrid built in a rationalist style.
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Source of the article : Wikipedia