Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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Cyberkrig: Claus Hjort angriber Rusland

SÃÆ'¸ren Hjorth Nielsen (August 2, 1901 - July 7, 1983) is a painter and illustrator from Denmark. He is remembered for his painting of the rations and fringes of Copenhagen and later for his landscape in the BramsnÃÆ'Â|s Vig region in northwestern New Zealand. He was a professor of painting at the Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1957 to 1971.

Video Søren Hjorth Nielsen


Born near Silkeborg, Hjorth Nielsen studied at the Royal Academy of Denmark under Ejnar Nielsen, Aksel JÃÆ'¸rgensen and Einar Utzon-Frank. His earliest works at the School of Engineering at Silkeborg are detailed inks and watercolors including interiors. In 1923, he began drawing with motifs from Copenhagen and the area around his home as well as scenes around Odsherred where he spent time in the 1930s. From 1926, he created the subject of religion. His paintings are basically realistic, sometimes bordering on strange ones. His Spisehuset (1935) describes the loneliness of a poor city dweller while other works mask the unfortunate and homeless Christianshavn. For some time he also worked as a portrait painter. His favorite subjects include the region and the port district of Copenhagen. From 1954, Hjorth Nielsen also made a series of works depicting the city rooftops he observed from his penthouse at Gammel Strand. Its landscapes include a summer scene in Vester ÃÆ'â € | by Funen and around BramsnÃÆ'Â © Vig on the west coast of Zealand; houses and vegetation at the bottom of the paintings contrast with the low silence of the horizon. In his final years, he painted a number of summer and winter scenes from his home in Tempelhuse in the southeast of HolbÃÆ'Â|k.

His work developed from Expressionism in his early years to participate in the renewal of the Danish landscape paintings. He is also active in etchings and woodcuts including model studies at the Academy, sketches during his travels or landscape depictions. He is also a keen scribe, often producing crayon images as a basis for his oil.

Maps Søren Hjorth Nielsen


Hjorth Nielsen Got yang Eckersberg Medal pada tahun 1949 than Medali Thorvaldsen di 1972 yang

Orla Mølgaard Nielsen - 52 vintage design items


9 bilferier er inn -


  • Nielsen, Peter Kristian; Petersen, Torben Holm; Andersen, Troels (1976). Søren Hjorth Nielsen: Grafis dan Gambar of Silkeborg Art Museum . Silkeborg Art Mueum. Ib bte = S% C3% B8ren Hjorth Nielsen% 3A graphis than gambar In museum seni Silkeborg & amp; = Silkeborg Art Mueum & amp; = 1976 & amp; rft.isbn = 978-87-980325- 2-6 & amp; rft.aulast = Nielsen & amp; rft.aufirst = Peder Kristian & amp; = Petersen% 2C Torben Holm & amp; = Andersen% 2C Troels & amp; rft_id = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fbooks. 2Fbooks% 3Fid% 3D_raCAQAACAAJ & amp; rfr_id = Info% 3Asid% 3AS% C3% B8ren Hjorth Nielsen "> Ã,
  • Nielsen, Søren Hjorth; Andersen, Dorte Kirkeby (2001). Søren Hjorth Nielsen: 100 years . Museum Penerbitan Silkeborg Art Museum. ISBNÃ, 978-87-87932-73-8 a

Source of the article : Wikipedia
